Here's a list of the different segments or challenges we attempt in our efforts to entertain you and (and to keep us occupied so we don't get into any APEZ mischief). Segments can vary by APEisode, so if you don't hear a your favorite segment, keep listening. If you have an idea for a new segment, or want to hear more of something in particular, PUHLEEEZE click on the link to let us know!
You Should Know This Song!
Our PRIME challenge. Each of us gives up to 2 lyric clues per turn, in an effort to make the other APE look bad. If you know, you know!
Uncontrolled Substance
This is what we do best (we keep telling ourselves, anyway). This segment has no structure. We just ramble about what hits us in the moment

Your Mother Should Know!
This one is played just like YSKTS, but all the songs are hits just about anyone should recognize. Even your mom. No, YOUR mom!
One of our faves. 1 clue, no chatter (kind of). These clues and this game are rapid fire. Hit it or quit it.
Ask and Ye Shall Be Deceived
Special APEZ weirdness. One of us asks a question, formed in such a way that the correct answer IS the song lyric. Confused? So are we!

We got plenty more. Our APEZ brains are filled with silly, weird, and occasionally brilliant/dumb segments. Keep an eye out for new challenges