What the hell is a HIATUS?

1/5/20252 min read

Howdy APEZ!

We wanted to let everyone know we are on HIATUS. That's a fancy word for stepping back for a bit. We have been going at this podcast solid for a year, and frankly, letting real life and all that means take a back seat. We LOVE sharing our thoughts and our APEZness with you, but the world won't wait while we prep, record, edit, and publish the pod.

So there is a need for both of us to take care of those people we love, and to mend those THINGS (we don't own them, they own US!) that need mending.

It may be that we just can't live without the 'call of the pod', and we come back in a bit. Maybe we do the podcast every couple of weeks, or once a month, or whatever. But for now, it looks like we may be off air for the long haul.

We want to thank EVERYONE that has supported us. Our families and friends, and our APEZ friends we haven't met yet. In fact, everyone that's ever listened in the US and around the world is owed a debt of thanks.

This has truly been of of the most fulfilling and fun endeavors either of us have ever been involved in, and it has been a privilege to share our brand of crazy with all of you.

A couple of last thoughts we wanted to share here. First, there are powers in the world that would diminish or silence the sharing of factual, non-biased information. And some of them have undertaken limiting the funding of organizations that provide that information. So we ask that you continue to support Wikipedia, and other organizations that work to share information without corporate or political backing. WE BELIEVE IN THE FREE EXCHANGE OF FACTS AND ACCURATE INFORMATION! And we ask that you support those organizations that work towards that end.

Secondly, and more importantly, we ask that you work to understand those around you, and that you show kindness and grace to the folks around you. Whether they have a different view of the world or not, everyone has their burden to carry, and none of us can understand what others are facing. BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER! It is a NO COST investment in the future, and it feels good too!

We'll keep you posted on any changes. Thanks again for your time and your support.

Party on, APEZ!